Monday, September 10, 2012

Never trust Sprint

Having been a Sprint cell phone customer for about 13 years counted for nothing.  I moved to an area that had no sprint coverage.  I went to the local Sprint store and they said Sprint knew about this problem and to contact them and they would cancel my contract.  Called sprint and was told their computer said I did have some coverage, so no cancellation.  Tried calling back a few times and was told the same thing.  The guy at the sprint store showed me the web site for sprint coverage and pointed out the problems in my area that block the signal.   Armed with this info I called sprint again, and again spoke to a different rep. who agreed with the info I presented and agreed to cancell my contract with no cancellation fee as long as I returned my phones and equipment.

I tracked my returns, and payed my sprint bill on time.  Upon sprint getting the equipment back they charged me a $700 fee.  Called and was told not to pay it that it was the cancellation fee and would take some time to process..  Needless to say I called every week for months and each time the sprint rep had to verify the equipment was retyrned and said to wait for it to be processed.  They never called me! 

After about 4 months of calling I finally got a rep that said only the $500 part of the bill was for the cancellation fee.  He examined my account and said there was some double billing on Sprints part and I should have a $26 credit, that he would put in for it.

The very next day I start getting numerous phone calls each day from a collection agency saying sprint turned me in for collections based on the none payment of the $700 fee.  After calling sprint again I was told the credit request was not honored but they would After telling the rep about all the months of grief I tell her to apply for my credit because I deserve it.  She agrees but again says I will probably never see it.

Credit collection agency now sends threatening letter and more phone calls.  I explain to them thaat sprint is the one who they should be calling that they owe me money.  After checking their system they say sorry we won't call you again.

After these 4 months of grief with dealing with sprints promises and no action I think this is finally over except I have never gotten my $26 and god only knows what went on my credit history.

SPRINT. I loved you, I sent my friends to you.  I would have gone back to you if you had improved your service in my area.  Now knowing that your word is worthless I think I would use a pay as you go phone before I ever came back to you...

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